Late start at fiore today for 3.5 hours. Another 3.5 tonight at Cafe Racer. Had to swap out the caffeine.
Author Archives: Stephen Merlino
Sunday’s Desk at Vashon Snapdragon Cafe
Crit Group Session!
Writers of the Future, Volume 32 is on Sale!
Friday’s Desk: Vashon Island Cafe
Thursday’s Writing Desk
Knave Update: Standup Desk on the Skykomish River
Knave Update: Cafe Luna on Vashon Island
Knave Progress Update: Friday’s Desk
Knave Update: Thursdays Desk at Fiore
Knave Progress: My Brain Today
Knave Progress: Sometimes Hard Copy in the Park
Knave Update: Battle Scenes Complete!
Knave Update: Finishing Battle Scene Revision
Forgot to post yesterday, but think of this post as a two-day post, as both days are on the same chapter, what I’m calling the Battle Scene. Today at Cafe Fiore!
For the record, I did get my minimum of 4 hours in yesterday on the Battle Scene. Also attended a Writers Cramp meeting for a critique of Chapter 21. As always, Cramp raises the bar for me to another level. Thanks Crampies!
Today, an 8-hour day: Goal after Battle Scene: I finish up the Battle Scene and Dive into the Post-Battle Scenes.
Completed Caris POV Scene & Revised Wild Battle
Caris POV Scene
The great thing about hard copy work — i can work in the sun! 😀
Today I worked through crit group feedback on a Caris POV scene I recently wrote to backfill Chapter 4.
Once I worked through my pre-thinking on paper, I moved to computer. Cafe Fiorre again. Rode the bike there and back. Total of seven hours today, working it up to eight tonight. 😀. Progress!
Daily Progress Update: The Knave of Souls
A Girl Makes Me My Coffee
U Bookstore Reading – This Thurs
On Writing, Geekness, and Fandom
This is a fun and wide-ranging interview I gave to Sherri Rabinowitz on her Blog Talk show, “Chatting with Sherri.”